Friday, May 23, 2008

Overheard at MLA

A la Leah Garchik of the San Francisco Chronicle, here are some of the more memorable sound bites from the Medical Library Association Conference held in Chicago this past week:

"JetBlue takes the suckitude out of flying." I love that word. Couldn't wait to use it in a sentence. I'm already planning how to use it again in another sentence.

Moodle will be the most important learning management system in the future.

Want to adopt a sister library in a developing country? See the International Cooperation Section 's "Tips for sister Libraries" on the MLA web site:

To find out about using RFID clickers in classrooms, go to

The personal health record (Google Health & Microsoft's Health Vault) is one of the most significant tech trends in healthcare today.

Huge display screens help people see the big picture.

Invite your IT people to your next strategic planning session...just don't let them run the meeting.

The "Medici Effect" says innovation takes place at the intersection of professions.

Good Book: Serious Play, by Michael Flange.

The QR (quick response) code - holds 8,000 bits of information and is the next generation bar code.

Unbound Central is a platform on which libraries can perch their content for handheld devices. And 65% of all physicians own them, devices that is.

Your job is to craft great library experiences - Andrew Zolli


Terri Mason said...

Thanks for your conference tidbits.

Moodle, looks interesting. At first I thought they were connected with Google but it looks like they have no relation besides the appearance of their name. They offer open source course management software. The site itself was created using Moodle, but couldn't find information about who started Moodle. Looks like lots of Europeans as well as US users.

I took a look at Google's personal medical record. At this point, I would feel leery of putting my own health information on the web. I wonder how they will be able to convince people that this type of sensitive information can really be kept private on the web. - Terri

Stephanie said...

Thanks for your worthy updates! I have lots of things to relate regarding the use of moodle. I was able to experience its amazing performance on one of my training program. By the way, I just want to share something on audience response system. I was actually amazed on its performances for improved learning sessions. I was one of the attendees on a training event for a specific audience response system company and I must say, its usage to increase audience participation and viable two-way communication is appreciated. You may visit this site for additional information