Friday, April 25, 2008

Moving Right Along...

I'm on assignment #7 already in the Medical Library Association's 8-week online social networking class. This one is about podcasts. Mostly how to receive them, not how to make them, although the latter is of interested to me as well.

As directed, I signed up for a free online account at And sure enough, I found some really interesting content to listen to. I was initially seduced (but only briefly) by a talk on mindfulness and meditation from a Zen master, but then my conscience kicked in and I told myself, "This isn't work-related...whoever heard of mindfulness at work?"

As penance for straying off the path, I selected the productivity category and wound up listening to some interesting interviews with David Allen, author of "Getting Things Done". GTD seems to be sort of a "meme", see assignment #3. Interview # 5 about e-mail was especially valuable, with the interviewer suggesting that you touch each e-mail only once and then "liberate" it, or take some action on it, so you don't wind up filing, scrolling, fiddling or otherwise messing with previously-read messages. I knew why can't I just do it? Here's the link to that podcast:

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