Thursday, December 13, 2007


I was actually thinking of this concept in terms of a pledge to follow through, as it relates to posting to your blog regularly after you've set it up. But because I went to a dictionary to make sure I was spelling the word correctly, I was reminded that "commitment" can also be defined as "consignment to a penal or mental institution" and has some other negative nuances related to obligation and indebtedness. I think that's what stops me from blogging: the notion of being obliged to be creative, clever, and perhaps even inspirational on a regular basis. Once in a while, sure, no problem. But every day or even every week, on cue? I dunno. Some days, it's hard enough to get it together just to get to work. Blogging might consign me to a penal or mental institution.


Lisa Anne said...

Love your way w/words! Nice meeting up with you in this class!

Quito said...

I'm a beginner in blogging and share your thoughts about taking the committment leap.

Laurie said...

I know what you mean about committment. I want blogging to to be a valuable part of our library services, but I know I don't have the time to keep it up-to-date. By the way, I've worked in mental institutions for almost 30 years...